Love these 2 |
Hi Family,
Yayaya emerse in espanol.We try really hard pero it is hard. We talk a lot of spanish well she talks alot of spanish same with Hna Crawley.and I kindajust sit there and chip in when I can. I hope I can get it. It is really hard, but I am working really hard. I'msuper happy for Tadd. Wish him good luck for me. The mission is awesome I hope he talks full advantage of it.
Pomona is amazing there are so many people here that need this gospel. So we have a baptism on the ninth. Maria I amso excited for her. Her daughter Alejandra is 10 almost 11 (weird right hons) and we are going to commit her to baptism today.I am excited. They like church alot.We taught primary on sunday and Alejandra was just singing away. (These children speak way good spanish and Spanish primary songs can be difficult.) I'm so excited for them!!!
Okay here is a funny story for you. so we were going to go get one of our investigators to church (one of my favs. He loves me. after everything we say its "Verdad Quezada Verdad?" "si Rafiel es verdad" LOVE HIM) anyways we open up the gate and out jumps a pug. Pugs are nice right? WRONG! deamon pug! we were about halfway up his walkway when the pug statred to charge! I was getting ready to kick a dog in that instant while screaming open the gate. in the nick of time we slammed that door on his face! the dog was possesed! we saw another evil pug yesterday too. I always thought pugs were super nice.
My zona y barrio es la major. The members are great and love us and feed us well .and my zone is super fun. We played vball for like two hours yesterday while eating carne provided from nuestros obispo (only on pday)
CONGRATS LAURA! I'mexcited for you! I betTerry is just in heaven! Im super excited for you three! the babies are so blessed to come into a great family! (I expect one of them to be named after me)
Speaking of families I am so greatful for you. I have an amazing family.Thank you for all the support and love tambien. Esta obra es de Dios y con El todas cosas es posible. El querre Su familia a regresar otra vez! I am loving the mission! I hope to be a great servant in the Lords hands but I have so much to learn still! Les Quierro Hermana Quezada
Cleaning .......love the work |
Hi fam!
Super excited for meg! have her write me! so yes I run everymorning we live behing a golfcourse so ya lots of fun trails. hardest thing..SPANISH
I found a sweet sctipture today alma 12:31 I am trying to memorize a scripture reference everyday because my scripture knowledge lacks greatly. This scripture talks about how everyone has to act one way or another. We all have to act but we get to decide if we act for
good or evil. This concept is interesting. I love action scriptures because you have to do something about it. So what are you going to
do? are you acting or getting acted upon.
so yes MAria is on her way
to baptism on sunday. we are way excited. We were planning on baptizing her daughter to but we found out she was alredy baptised 2
years ago??? what then. PLOT CHANGE!! hahaha it led for a pretty funny
conversation. So Rafael!!!! HE CAME TO CHURCH!!! I love him so much he
has such a desire to change. I can see it. "para cumplitor sisia"
"verdad Quezada verdad?" its super funny because he always gives us
hugs and we dont really know what to do. I honestly just want to hug
him so tight and help him out. We can give him the tools but he needs
to change for himself. The next step is for him and the Lord to work
things out. We are so excited. I cant ever tell if real Rafael and
drunk Rafael are any different but his energy is awesome. "verdad
Quezada, La LAperrr, craaaaawwy" LOVE HIM! We are trying to find more
people everyday. Ahhhhh I just want them to listen sometimes people
treat you like the plege but that just means they aren't ready yet. I
cant believe how our Padre Celestial feels. ahhh okay so we found an
English couple this week that taught us our gospel. "I want to baptise
my kids but I do know the right steps to take." I look at Hna
LaPierre... "we can deffinatley help you out with that." WHY DO THEY
okay so kinda a funny story for you. so last night in my sleep. I
jumped out of bed.. I sleep on the top bunk. I dont remember anything
untill my feet hit the floor. good thing we have a third mattress on
the ground because My knees hit that. I was sleep jumping and talking
as well. I still have no idea what happened my companions tell me I
was spekaing spanglish.. no clue. But could you imagine watching me
have sleeping fall off the bunkbed. Pretty funny. well I love you so
much! Oh the 40 day fast was called purification. we are doing it as a
mission. ces do it! Okay I love you the church is true and mom stop
freaking out about alecc. He is going to be having a hard time.
Hermana Quezada